5039.1 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments Policy Effective Date: March 10, 2023 Approved by: Board of Directors Policy: The Governing Board recognizes that students and staff have the right to be free from the fear and danger presented by firearms and other weapons. Possession of Weapons The Board prohibits any student from possessing weapons, imitation firearms, or other dangerous instruments, as defined in law and administrative regulation, in school buildings, on school grounds or buses, at school-related or school-sponsored activities away from school, or while going to or coming from school. Under the power granted to the Board to maintain order and discipline in the schools and to protect the safety of students, staff, and the public, any school employee is authorized to confiscate a weapon, dangerous instrument, or imitation firearm from any person on school grounds. Unless he/she has obtained prior written permission as specified below, students possessing or threatening others with a weapon, dangerous instrument or imitation firearm are subject to suspension and/or expulsion in accordance with law, Board policy and administrative regulations. The Executive Director or designee shall notify law enforcement authorities when any student possesses a firearm, explosive, or other prohibited weapon or dangerous instrument without permission, sells or furnishes a firearm, or commits any act of assault with a firearm or other weapon. Advance Permission for Possession of a Weapon for Educational PurposesThe parent/guardian of a student who desires to possess a firearm, imitation firearm, or other prohibited weapon on school grounds for an educational purpose shall, at least five school days in advance of the planned possession, submit a written request to the principal which explains the planned use of the weapon and the duration. The student shall also submit a written explanation from the staff person responsible for the school-sponsored activity or class. The principal may grant permission for such possession when he/she determines that it is necessary for a school-sponsored activity or class or as part of the educational program. Factors that shall be considered include, but are not limited to, the planned use of the weapon, the duration and location of the planned use, whether an audience is expected, and any perceived adverse effects to the safety and well-being of students or staff. If the principal grants such permission, he/she shall provide the student and staff person with a written explanation regarding any limitations and the permissible duration of the student's possession. When the principal or designee grants permission, he/she shall take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of all persons on school grounds, including, but not limited to, inspecting a firearm to verify that no live ammunition is present. Any weapon allowed shall be stored in a locked vehicle or in an appropriate, locked container before and after its authorized use. A student granted permission to possess a weapon may be suspended and/or expelled if he/she possesses or uses the weapon inappropriately. Possession of Pepper Spray To prevent potential misuse that may harm students or staff, students are prohibited from carrying tear gas or tear gas weapons such as pepper spray on campus or at school activities. Reporting of Injurious Objects The Board encourages students to promptly report the presence of weapons, injurious objects or other suspicious activity to school authorities. The identity of a student who reports such activity shall remain confidential to the extent permitted by law. The Executive Director or designee shall develop strategies designed to facilitate student reporting of the presence of injurious objects on school grounds, such as tip hotlines, electronic transmissions, or other methods that preserve the student's anonymity. Incident reports and records shall not identify the student who reported the possession. The strategy shall also include means of informing staff, students and parents/guardians that students who report the presence of injurious objects on school campuses are to be protected and their identity shielded. Original Policy 12/09/05 Revised Policy 03/10/2023 Link to Weapons and Dangerous Instruments Administrative Regulations JCS, Inc. Weapons and Dangerous Instruments Policy Page of 2