Julian Charter School Work Permit Instructions Student: 1. Make sure you are eligible for a work permit: * Meet age requirements * Meet GPA requirements * Discuss with your Independent Study Teacher what type of work permit you should apply for (Regular, Work Experience, Vacation, Year Round, Other [specify: Workability, Internship, Apprenticeship, etc]) 2. Complete the attached “Statement to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permit – For Minor to Complete” Form. You will need your Social Security Number to complete. 3. Proof of age: If Julian Charter School notifies you that they need proof of age documentation (copy of birth certificate or copy of driver’s license or CA ID card), please submit ASAP. Work permit will not be approved without verification of proof of age. 4. When you submit your request make sure you notify the person you submit your work permit request to WHAT TYPE of work permit you are applying for: (Regular, Work Experience, Vacation, Year Round, Other [specify: Workability, Internship, Apprenticeship, etc]) 5. When you are notified that your Work Permit is ready, come to the office and sign it. The office will then make copies of your signed work permit. You will then take your signed work permit to your employer so that you may begin work. Parent: 1. Be aware of the above procedure for your child. 2. Complete and sign the attached “Statement to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permit – For Parent to Complete” Form. Employer: 1. Complete and sign the attached “Statement to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permit – For Minor to Complete” Form. 2. Make sure you state your Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company. 3. When filling out number of hours of employment for minor when school is in session, be aware that if the student is 16-17 yr. old and receiving work experience credit he/she may work 8 hr/day. If not, they may only work 4 hr/day when school is in session. Refer to Summary of Minor’s Work Regulations attached. Julian Charter School policy will not allow a student to exceed 30 hr/wk when school is in session. 4. For your own protection, familiarize yourself with current California Child Labor Laws. REVOCATION POLICY: If a student is withdrawn from Julian Charter School or falls below a 2.0 GPA, his/her work permit will be revoked and the employer will be notified. JCS Work Permit Instructions Page of