Procedure: 1. If two or more relatives are employed by Julian Charter School, Inc. (JCS), one may not supervise any other. 2. The related employees will be asked to suggest a workable solution to this conflict of interests (i.e. transfer or demotion) and the Executive Director may decide which employee may be transferred or demoted in such situations. However, a transfer to a vacant position for which one or the other relative is qualified may not be possible, and termination of employment may be necessary, at the recommendation of the Executive Director. 3. For the purpose of this policy, a relative is defined as a spouse, sibling, parent, child, aunt, uncle, grandparent, grandchild, or another relative in your home, or any other cohabitant with which you have a relationship similar to that of a spouse. 4. Relatives of current employees of JCS are permitted to compete for positions, but only within a recruitment pool of finalists for each position, which includes, when possible, at least two non-relatives of staff members. Relatives of staff will be hired only if they are, in the judgment of the Human Resources Director or the Executive Director, demonstrably the best qualified of those available to fill the position. When, in the opinion of the Human Resources Director or the Executive Director, a relative is not demonstrably better qualified than others in the recruitment pool, the relative will not be selected. 5. If already employed, an employee may not be transferred into a reporting relationship with a relative. In the event marriage or cohabitation causes a spouse or cohabitant to have direct or indirect supervision over his/her spouse or cohabitant, the Executive Director will assign a supervisor other than the spouse/cohabitant. 6. Employees working in the Human Resources Department may not be related to employees working outside that department. 7. Any action taken to resolve a problem of employment of relatives will not violate equal employment opportunity or any other federal of state laws. Original Procedure: 12/09/02 Revised Procedure: 12/08/06 Revised Procedure: 09/08/17 Revised Procedure: 06/05/2020 JCS, Inc. Admission and Withdrawal Page 3 of 4