Procedure: Criteria for Credit A student shall be granted credit upon the satisfactory completion of a work experience education program, in an amount not to exceed 40-semester credits and no more than 10 credits in any one semester, provided that the student satisfies all of the following requirements: 1. At the time of enrollment, the student is at least 16 years of age. A student under the age of 16 may receive credit for work experience under one of the following conditions: 1. The student is enrolled in grade 11 or higher. 2. The School Principal/Director certifies that the student is in need of immediate work experience education in order to pursue employment opportunities. 3. The School Principal/Director certifies that there is a probability that the student will no longer be enrolled as a full-time student without being provided the opportunity to enroll in a work experience education program. 4. The student’s individualized education program prescribes the type of training for which participation in a work experience education program is deemed appropriate. 2. During the course of the student’s enrollment in the program, the student receives at least the equivalent of one instructional period per week of related classroom instruction or counseling by a certificated employee. The work experience instruction or counseling shall be offered in sessions scheduled intermittently throughout the semester. The work experience education program meets all of the requirements of law. Minimum Day The minimum day for students enrolled in a work experience education program shall be four periods totaling at least 180 minutes in duration. A different schedule may be established for students enrolled in a continuation school or who are participating in the School-Based Pupil Motivation and Maintenance Program. Work Experiences and Related Instruction JCS, Inc. (JCS) shall enter into a formal training agreement with each employer to provide one or more of the following paid and unpaid types of on-the-job experiences: 1. Vocational work experience education which reinforces and extends vocational learning opportunities for students through a combination of related classroom instruction in work experience education and supervised paid employment in the occupation for which their vocational course in school prepares them. 2. General work experience education which has as its purpose the application of basic skills of reading, writing and computation, and which enables students to acquire general and specific occupational skills through a combination of supervised paid employment in an occupational field and related classroom instruction in work experience education. 3. Exploratory work experience education which is non-paid and has as its general purpose the vocational guidance of students by allowing them opportunities to observe and sample systematically a variety of conditions of work. The School Principal/Director or designee may provide for work experience programs in areas outside the school, either within California or in a contiguous state. All laws or rules applicable to minors in employment relationships shall be applicable to students enrolled in work experience courses. A work permit may be issued to a minor between the following ages: under the age of 18 and over the age of 14 who is regularly enrolled in a high school or community college or who has been assigned to a vocational course in a place of employment, and who will work part-time as a student enrolled in a work experience education course. Responsibilities of Teacher-Coordinator The work experience teacher-coordinator shall conduct the related classroom instruction, prepare individual training plans, observe and consult with students, and make at least two on-site contacts per semester with each work station supervisor and a minimum of one on-site contact during summer school to evaluate student performance. Original Procedure 03/10/03 Revised Procedure 03/16/09 Revised Procedure 06/05/2020 5034.2 JCS, Inc. Work Experience Education Admin Regs Page of 2