8021.2 Recording of Hours Worked Administrative Regulations Effective Date: September 8, 2017 JCS-Inc. Administrative Regulations Procedure: 1. To ensure that accurate records are kept of the hours actually worked (including overtime hours where applicable) and of the accrued leave time that has been taken, and to ensure pay in a timely manner, all employees will be required to record their time worked and/or absences using JCS, Inc.’s official time record system. 2. Non-exempt employees should use the school’s time clock to record daily hours. 1. Supervisors will work with employees to review the time record for each pay period and resolve any discrepancies. 3. All employees should use the school’s Request for Time Off form to record paid leaves of absence. Once signed and approved by the supervisor, these forms are forwarded to Human Resources for entry into the time record system and storage in the employee’s personnel file. 1. Exempt employees must also use this form to record unpaid absences of one or more full days. 4. Actual hours worked and leave time taken must be recorded accurately. Falsification of a time record is a breach of school policy and is grounds for disciplinary action, including the possibility of discharge. 5. Rounding of Clock-Time – Clock hours are rounded by the Payroll Department as follows: 1. Greater than 7 minutes round up to next quarter hour 2. Less than or equal to 7 minutes round down to previous quarter hour. Original Procedure: 02/27/01 Revised Procedure: 03/07/08 Revised Procedure: 09/08/17 8021.2 JCS, Inc. Recording of Hours Worked Admin Regs Page of 1