Policy: Purpose and Scope The purpose of this Policy is to establish standard procedures for disposing of personal property of the Schools (“JCS, Inc., JCS-MO, JCS-PH, JCS-PV, JCS-CC, JCS-MZ”) that is unusable, obsolete, or no longer of use to the Charters. Determination of Surplus Property The JCS, Inc. Governing Board (“Board”) recognizes that the Charters may own personal property which is unusable, obsolete, or no longer needed. The Executive Director or designee shall identify these items to the Board, together with their estimated value and a recommendation that they are sold or disposed of by one of the methods permitted by this Policy. With Board approval, the Executive Director or designee shall arrange for the sale or disposal of these items. Instructional Materials In general, instructional materials may be considered obsolete or unusable when they either: 1. Contain information rendered inaccurate or incomplete by new discoveries or technologies; 2. Have been replaced by more recent versions or editions of the same material, and they are of no foreseeable value in other instructional areas; 3. Contain demeaning, stereotyping or patronizing references to either sex, to members of racial, ethnic, religious, vocational or cultural groups, or to persons with physical or mental handicaps; 4. Have been inspected and discovered to be damaged beyond use or repair; or 5. Are otherwise unsuitable for the Charter’s use. Disposal Process JCS, Inc.’s personal property may be disposed of by any of the following methods: 1. The Board may advertise for bids and either sell the property to the highest responsible bidder or reject all bids. The sale of personal property may also be effectuated by means of a public auction. Timely notice for bids shall be posted or published. 2. Without advertisement for bids, the Board may sell or lease the property to agencies of federal, state, or local government, to any other school district or charter school, or to any agency eligible under the federal surplus property law. In such cases, the sale price shall be equal to the value of the property plus the estimated cost of purchasing, moving, storing, and handling. 3. Surplus or undistributed obsolete instructional materials may be donated or sold at a nominal price to organizations or individuals who will use them for educational purposes, as specified in Education Code section 60510. 4. Surplus or undistributed obsolete instructional materials which are unusable or which cannot be distributed as specified in item 1-3 above may be: a. Mutilated so as not to be saleable and sold for scrap at the highest obtainable price, or b. Destroyed by any economical means. 5. If the Board determines that the personal property is worth no more than $2,500, the Board may sell the property without advertising. 6. If the Board finds that the value of the personal property is insufficient to defray the costs of arranging a sale, the property may be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the Board or may be disposed of by dumping. Original Policy 06/07/2019 Revised Policy 06/05/2020 40091. JCS, Inc. Disposal of Surplus Property Policy Page of 2