Preface This policy and the associated administrative regulations and resources pertain to remote work/telework agreements with employees. Any JCS employee authorized to utilize a remote work location during contracted hours and for school business is required to review this policy, its administrative regulations, and sign/submit the Remote Work Plan Agreement upon hire or approval of remote work. A remote work location is defined as a location for conducting business outside of school-provided offices and facilities. This policy and its administrative regulations are inclusive of employees who reside permanently in and out of California, although additional administrative regulations are included for employees pre-approved to work with an out-of-state residence. At this time, out-of-country employment is not available with the JCS Family of Charter Schools. Policy The Governing Board recognizes that working remotely at home or at another alternative location may be necessary at times when widespread illness, natural disaster, or other emergency conditions makes the school or worksite unsafe or otherwise interrupts the district's ability to effectively conduct operations at the school or worksite. A full-time, part-time, or short-term remote work arrangement may also be granted by the Executive Director or designee to an individual employee, upon request, provided that the position is suitable for remote work, the employee has consistently demonstrated the ability to work independently and meet performance expectations, and the work arrangement does not hinder charter school operations. The opportunity to work remotely shall be entirely at the charter network's discretion, and no grievance or appeal right may arise from charter school denial of any employee request for remote work. Employees approved for remote work shall comply with all charter school policies, administrative regulations, work schedules, and job assignments. Except when specifically agreed, approval of remote work shall not change the compensation, benefits, or other terms and conditions of employment of an employee. Unless otherwise approved in advance by the Executive Director or designee, employees working remotely shall do so within regular work hours (PST) established for the position. Employees are entitled and expected to take appropriate, uninterrupted meal and rest breaks, and shall keep accurate records of the hours they work. Employees shall notify their supervisor when unable to perform work assignments due to illness, equipment failure, or other unforeseen circumstances. Employees working remotely are expected to conduct their work in a location that is safe and free of obstructions, hazards, and distractions. Such employees shall report to their supervisor any serious injury or illness occurring in the home workspace or in connection with their employment as soon as practically possible in accordance with Board policy. The charter school shall provide to employees who work remotely all supplies, materials, apparatus, and equipment reasonably necessary to perform their jobs, including, as necessary, a technology device and Internet access. Employees shall use caution in accessing the Internet from public locations and in accessing information from networks outside of the district in order to safeguard confidential information. Employees shall be responsible for maintaining and protecting equipment on loan from the charter school and shall adhere to the charter school's Acceptable Use Agreement. The employee's personally owned equipment may only be used for charter school business when approved by the Executive Director or designee. Work done at a remote work location is considered official public business. Charter school records and communications shall be retained and safeguarded against damage or loss, and shall be kept confidential or made accessible to the public in accordance with law. Employees conducting work remotely shall maintain a professional work environment by ensuring the real or virtual background visible during video conferencing is appropriate for school-age children, professional attire is modest and attractive, and conduct is polite and professional. Any employee working remotely shall be available during work hours (PST) to the employee's supervisor and other staff, students, parents/guardians, and members of the public, as appropriate, via email, phone, or other means. Lack of responsiveness on the part of the employee may result in discipline and/or termination of remote work responsibilities. Employees shall be required to attend virtual or in-person meetings when directed by their supervisor. Employee productivity shall be evaluated on the basis of time spent on tasks and projects, task completion, and quality of job performance in the same manner as all employees in the same position at the assigned school or office. Remote work arrangements may be discontinued at any time at the discretion of the Executive Director or designee. Original Policy 06/09/2023 ________________ Link to Remote Work Administrative Regulations Link to Remote Work Resources - Remote Work Plan Agreement for Employees 8031.1 Remote Work Policy Page 2 of 2