Policy: It is the Governing Board’s policy that workplace safety and prevention of workplace violence is a vital commitment of JCS, Inc. (JCS). This policy will address the responsibility, compliance, communication, hazard assessment, incident investigation, hazard correction, training / instruction and record keeping components which will aide in the prevention of workplace violence. Workplace violence is defined as any violence against employees, that takes place within the work place, is committed by persons who have an employment related connection with the organization, or are outsiders and involves: 1. Physical acts against person or employer property, or 2. Verbal threats, or vicious statements that are meant to harm, discriminate, bully, or cause a hostile environment, or 3. Written threats, vicious cartoons or notes and other written conduct of intense distortion that is meant to threaten or create a hostile environment or 4. Visual acts that are threatening or intended to convey injury or hostility. Original Policy 02/27/01 Revised Policy 09/12/08 Revised Policy 09/08/17 Workplace Safety – Violence in the Workplace Page of