Procedure: 1. Training Programs required by the School and conducted during regular working hours constitute work time and must be compensated. 2. After-hours training (that is, attendance at lectures, meetings, training programs and similar activities) need not be counted as working time if all of the following four criteria are met: 1. Attendance is outside of the employee’s regular working hours; 2. Attendance is voluntary; 3. The training is not directly related to the employee’s job: and 4. The employee does not perform any productive work during such attendance. 3. Involuntary Attendance: Attendance is not voluntary if it is required by the employer. It is also not voluntary if the employee is given to understand or led to believe that his/her present working conditions or the continuance of employment would be adversely affected by non-attendance. 4. Training directly related to employee’s job:. Training is directly related to the employee’s job if it is designated to make the employee perform the job more effectively, as distinguished from training for another job, or for a new or additional skill. For example, a stenographer who is given a course in stenography is engaged in an activity to make him/her a better stenographer. Time spent in such a course is hours worked. However, if the stenographer takes a course in bookkeeping, it may not be directly related to his/her job. Thus, the time spent in taking such a bookkeeping course, outside of regular working hours, need not be counted as working time. Where a training course is instituted for the bona-fide purpose of preparing for advancement through upgrading the employee to a higher skill, and is not intended to make the employee more efficient in his/her present job, the training is not considered directly related to the employee’s job even though the course incidentally improves his/her skill in doing his/her regular work. 5. Independent Training. If an employee on his/her own initiative attends an independent school, college, or independent trade school after hours, the time is not hours worked for his/her employer even if the courses are related to his/her job. 6. Exceptions: Any exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the Board, based on recommendation by the Executive Director. Original Procedure: 02/27/01 Revised Procedure: 03/07/08 Revised Procedure: 09/08/17 8018.1 JCS, Inc. Pay and Attendance at Training Programs Policy Page of