Policy: JCS, Inc. (JCS) desires to maintain open channels of communication between the Board and the staff. However, the basic line of communication between the Board and staff will be through the Executive Director. 1. Staff Communications to the Board Communications from staff members to the Board or its committees shall be submitted through the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall forward such communications received from staff members to the Board. This procedure is not intended to deny any staff member his/her constitutional right of free speech or the right to appeal to or otherwise address the Board on important matters through established procedures. If approached by a staff member with a complaint not using the appropriate process (Board Policy #8018.1: Internal Complaint Policy or #2001.1UCP), members of the Board should report it as soon as possible to the Board President. 2. Board Communications to Staff All official communications, policies, and directives of the Board that would be of interest and concern to the staff will generally be communicated through the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall also keep staff members informed of the Board's concerns and actions. If the Board is in need of clarification about agenda items, Board members may contact senior staff in order to obtain available information. This should be done, when possible, with the knowledge of the Executive Director as a courtesy and also in order not to undermine the Executive Director’s authority. The intent of communication is to share current and available information and never to direct or manage the staff member’s time or activities. 3. Social Interaction Both staff and Board members share an interest in the schools and in education generally, and it is to be expected that when they interact at social affairs and other functions, they will informally discuss such matters as educational trends, issues, and innovations, and general activities of the Schools. However, since Board members are not authorized to act on behalf of the Board unless by quorum, in open public session, or when specifically vested with such authority, Board members and members of the staff should not discuss any matter which may result in the individual Board member(s) making some decision and giving the staff member a directive as a result. In no case should Board members pass information on to staff or students. The route from the Board to staff or students is via the Executive Director. Board members should never discuss divisions within the Board, emerging Board policy, hiring or layoff matters involving staff, or student due process. Board members should not discuss individual personalities, personnel grievances, or other complaints with staff members or others outside the appropriate setting. Board members should avoid discussing rumors among themselves, with staff, students, or parents. Board members should not pass on information that may inadvertently be used to further interpersonal intrigues or other problems at staff or student levels. Board members should not discuss any actions which could, theoretically, result in legal proceedings and interfere with the job of the Executive Director and Board. Instead, all such matters should be addressed in accordance with the procedures established in Board policy. Original Policy 06/07/2019 Revised Policy 06/05/2020 7010.1 JCS, Inc. Board and Staff Communication Policy Page of 2