Procedures: * The Acceptable Use Agreement is included in the JCS Parent Handbook and discussed at parent orientation meetings. * A copy of the Acceptable Use Agreement is reviewed by the educational facilitator and/or staff member coordinating with the family on the enrollment packet. * A signed copy of the Acceptable Use Agreement is maintained at each academy site for academy students, and an acknowledgement of receipt and acceptance is maintained in the main office. * Educational Facilitators, Learning Center and Academy teachers and other staff members and/or parents responsible for student Internet use and/or website postings must be cognizant of the Acceptable Use Policy and Acceptable Use Agreement permission status of all students enrolled with JCS. * Acceptable Use Agreement and policy are reviewed on a regular basis by the Director or his/her designee and updates and modifications are made as needed. * Teachers, parents and/or staff will instruct students in appropriate ways to access and use Internet resources. * Teachers, parents and/or staff will use reasonable measures to ensure that information gathered from the Internet appropriately supports educational purposes. * JCS has taken reasonable precautions to restrict access to materials it considers harmful and to materials that do not support approved educational objectives. * Before identifying a student by name or photo, the school must have on file a Parent/Guardian Release with the applicable student work/pictures permission section signed by the parent authorizing publication. * Staff will refer, to his or her direct supervisor, any individual who violates provisions of this policy for disciplinary action. * Cancellation of user privileges and other consequences will be at the discretion of the staff. Original Procedure 12/3/04 Revised Procedure 06/9/06 Revised Procedure 09/10/09 Revised Procedure 06/05/2020 Public Hearing 01/30/2023 JCS, Inc. Acceptable Use Agreement Page of 4