Policy: Members of the JCS, Inc. staff will treat parents and other members of the public with respect and expect the same in return. JCS is committed to maintaining orderly educational and administrative processes in keeping academy and administrative offices free from disruptions and preventing unauthorized persons from entering school grounds. In addition, this commitment extends to off-site school meetings as conducted by the home study and independent study schools within the JCS Family of Schools. This policy promotes mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among school employees, parents, students, and the public. This policy is not intended to deprive any person of his/her right to freedom of expression but only to maintain, to the extent possible and reasonable, a safe, harassment-free workplace for our students and staff. In the interest of presenting employees as positive role models to students of this school, as well as the community, JCS encourages positive communication and discourages volatile, hostile, or aggressive actions. JCS seeks public cooperation with this endeavor. If any member of the public uses obscenities or speaks in a demanding, loud, insulting and/or demeaning manner, the employee to whom the remarks are directed will calmly and politely admonish the speaker to communicate civilly. If the behavior continues, the employee is to verbally notify the abusing party that the meeting, conference, or telephone conversation is terminated. If the offending person is on School premises, the employee is instructed to direct the person to leave and may notify law enforcement officials, if necessary. Original Policy 09/14/2007 Revised Policy 06/05/2020 2002.1 JCS, Inc. Civility Policy Page of 4