Policy: The Governing Board recognizes that JCS, Inc. (JCS) has a responsibility to protect students by facilitating the prompt reporting of known and suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect. The Executive Director or designee shall establish regulations for use by school employees in identifying and reporting such incidents. The Executive Director or designee may provide a student who is a victim of abuse with school-based mental health services or other support services and/or may refer the student to resources available within the community as needed. Child Abuse Prevention The charter schoolt's instructional program shall include age-appropriate and culturally sensitive child abuse prevention curriculum. This curriculum shall explain students' right to live free of abuse, include instruction in the skills and techniques needed to identify unsafe situations and react appropriately and promptly, inform students of available support resources, and teach students how to obtain help and disclose incidents of abuse. The charter school's program also may include age-appropriate curriculum in sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention. Upon written request of a student's parent/guardian, the student shall be excused from taking such instruction. The Executive Director or designee shall, to the extent feasible, seek to incorporate community resources into the charter school's child abuse prevention programs and may use these resources to provide parents/guardians with instruction in parenting skills and child abuse prevention. Child Above Reporting JCS employees are obligated to report all known or suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect in accordance with law, Board policy, and administrative regulation. Employees shall not investigate any suspected incidents but rather shall fully cooperate with agencies responsible for reporting, investigating and prosecuting cases of child abuse and neglect. Procedures for reporting child abuse shall be included in the charter school’s comprehensive safety plan. The Executive Director or designee shall provide training regarding the reporting duties of school employees mandated by law to report suspected child abuse and neglect. Original Policy 12/09/05 Revised Policy 06/08/07 Revised Policy 09/10/09 Revised Policy 06/05/2020 Revised Policy 03/10/2023 Link to 5001.2 Child Abuse Reporting Administrative Regulations Link to 5001.3 Employee Child Abuse Reporting Acknowledgement Form 5001.1 JCS, Inc. Child Abuse Reporting Policy Page 2 of 2