Subject: JCS Learning Center Policies Effective Date: June 9, 2003 Approved By: Board of Directors Enrollment Policy: The JCS Learning Center provides academic classes and elective enrichment for homeschooled and independent study students. Learning Centers are located in three counties at sites owned or leased by Julian Charter School. Classes are taught by credentialed teachers or by approved school vendors. Student participation is voluntary and offers a site-based alternative for students that would benefit from instructors with specific expertise or classroom interaction with other students. Classes and materials are funded through student’s educational units. Student progress is monitored monthly by the educational facilitator and classroom teacher to insure academic success. High School students will earn transcript credits for full semester courses. All students enrolled in Julian Charter School have equal opportunity for participation. In the event classes are not filled, the coordinator may elect to enroll students who are not-affiliated with Julian Charter School. Locations, course descriptions, and enrollment dates are posted on the web at under JCS Learning Centers. Educational facilitators will recommend classes that will benefit students. Parents may initiate enrollment by filling out enrollment paperwork and submitting it to the JCS Learning Center. A student must be enrolled in Julian Charter School and possess a student number to process all class requests. Enrollment Paperwork includes the following: Class Request form, Medical release, and parent and student signature on Rules of Student Discipline for Julian Charter School (on file with Julian Charter School) and Site Policy for Student Success. Only complete applications will be accepted for class consideration. Classes that are impacted will be subject to lottery. Students have one week or 2 class sessions to drop or change their class schedule, without penalty of educational units. Mandatory parent meetings for student participation may be requested at some site locations to insure optimal parent-teacher communication. Grading Policy: Students will be graded monthly and progress will be noted in a monthly report given to the student’s educational facilitator. Final grades will be averaged for a semester report card. Grades K – 3 O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement Grades 4 – 8 Letter Grades based on percentages or grade value A= 4.0 B= 3.0 C=2.0 D=1.0 Grades 9 – 12 Letter Grades based on percentages or grade value. All High School grades will receive credits based on stated value in course description. Failing Students 1) A student who is failing and who is not performing or doing the work will be counseled by the teacher of the class and by the Coordinator of the Learning Center. If, in spite of counseling and offers of help, the student continues to do failing work, he/she may withdraw without penalty up until the end of the 3rd learning period of the semester (roughly equivalent to the first quarter in a traditional semester) and no record of the class will be put on the transcript. After the end of the 3rd learning period of the semester, however, the student will receive a grade of WF (Withdrew Failing) on the report card and on the transcript and this F will figure into the Grade Point Average. 2) Because we recognize that our Mission is one of individuality and flexibility, if the student subsequently repeats and passes the course, he/she may petition to have the Failing grade removed from the record. That Petition or request should be addressed to the Program Director to be considered by the Director in conjunction with the Assistant Director, Counselor, and/or others with whom the Director chooses to confer. Discipline Policy: The Governing Board desires to prepare students for responsible citizenship by fostering self-discipline and personal responsibility. The Board believes that high expectations for student behavior, effective classroom management and parent involvement can minimize the need for discipline. Staff shall use preventative measures and positive conflict resolution techniques whenever possible. Board policies and regulations shall delineate acceptable student conduct and provide the basis for sound disciplinary practices. Each JCS Learning Center site shall enforce Julian Charter School’s Student Discipline, Suspension, and Expulsion Policy. Learning Centers will develop specific site-based program expectations and disciplinary rules entitled Site Policy for Student Success. Participation in the JCS Learning Center Program requires a parent and student signature on the following documents: 1) Rules of Student Discipline for Julian Charter School 2) Site Policy for Student Success When misconduct occurs, staff shall implement appropriate discipline and attempt to identify and address the causes of the student's behavior. Continually disruptive students may be suspended from site based programs or removed from school. At all times, the safety of students and staff and the maintenance of an orderly school environment shall be priorities in determining appropriate discipline. Staff shall enforce disciplinary rules fairly, consistently and without discrimination. The school Director and/or site designee shall provide professional development as necessary to assist staff in developing classroom management skills and implementing effective disciplinary techniques. Procedure: Site-Level Rules (Site Policy for Student Success) Rules for conduct at specific site properties shall be developed for each Learning Center. In developing these rules, the Learning Center Coordinator shall solicit the participation, views and advice of one or more representatives from the following groups: 1. Parents/guardians who have students attending the Learning Center 2. Learning Center Staff 3. Advisory Counsel 4. Program Director or Administrator The final version of the rules shall be adopted by a panel comprised of the Program Director and Site Coordinator. The rules shall be consistent with law, Governing Board policy and school regulations. Each Learning Center shall file a copy of the rules with the school Director or designee and Board. These rules shall be revised as necessary and shall undergo the site-level review and adoption process at least every four years. Disciplinary strategies provided in Board policy, regulation and law may be used in developing site-level rules. These strategies include but are not limited to: 1. Oral correction. 2. Cooling-off time or "time-out". 3. Seating changes in the classroom. 4. Counseling by teachers, counselors, or administrative personnel. 5. Discussion or conference with parents/guardians 6. Behavioral contracts with parents consent. 7. Detention during and after school hours 8. Community service 9. Removal from the class in accordance with Board policy, administrative regulation as stated in the School Discipline, Suspension and Expulsion Policy. Corporal Punishment Corporal punishment shall not be used as a disciplinary measure against any student. Corporal punishment includes the willful infliction of, or willfully causing the infliction of, physical pain on a student. For purposes of this policy, corporal punishment does not include an employee's use of force that is reasonable and necessary to protect the employee, students, staff or other persons or to prevent damage to property. Detention During or After School Students may be detained for disciplinary reasons up to one hour after class or the close of the maximum school day. Parents will be notified and sign discipline acknowledgement form prior to detention. Students shall remain under the supervision of a certificated employee during the period of detention. Community Service As part of or instead of disciplinary action, the Board, School Director, principal or principal's designee may, at his/her discretion, require a student to perform community service on school grounds, or with written permission of the student's parent/guardian off school grounds, during non-school hours. Such service may include, but is not limited to, community or school outdoor beautification, campus betterment, and teacher, peer or youth assistance programs. This community service option is not available for a student who has been suspended, pending expulsion. However, if the recommended expulsion is not implemented or the expulsion itself is suspended, then a student may be required to perform community service for the resulting suspension pursuant to this section. Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students At the beginning of the each school year the school Director or Site Coordinator shall notify students and parents/guardians, in writing, the specific site policies for student success and school rules related to discipline. Transfer students and their parents/guardians shall receive such notice upon enrollment. Parents and students must sign that they have received a copy of Site Policy for Student Success and agree to abide by its policies in order to participate in Learning Center program. Signed copies must be kept on file at site location. Original Policy 06/09/03 JCS Learning Center Page of