Policy: High school graduation ceremonies will be held to recognize those students who have earned a diploma by successfully completing the required course of study, satisfying academic and behavioral school standards, and passing any required assessments. The Governing Board believes that these students deserve the privilege of a public celebration that recognizes the significance of their achievement and encourages them to continue the pursuit of learning throughout their lives. At the discretion of the Executive Director or designee, a student who will complete graduation requirements during the summer may be allowed to participate in graduation exercises without receiving a diploma. When the requirements have been satisfied, a diploma shall be sent to the student. High school students who have passed a high school equivalency test must also meet district graduation requirements in order to participate in graduation ceremonies. Invocations, prayers, or benedictions shall not be included in graduation ceremonies. The school shall not sponsor other ceremonies or programs for graduates that include prayer. Honors and Awards The Executive Director or designee will identify school-sponsored awards that may be given during graduation exercises. Recipients of these awards will be selected based on established criteria and procedures that use multiple measures of academic performance. A separate awards program may be held to recognize graduating students receiving other school and non-school awards. Conduct and Disciplinary Considerations Any student participating in a graduation ceremony will comply with school policies and regulations pertaining to student conduct. In order to encourage high standards of student conduct and behavior, the Executive Director may deny a student the privilege of participating in graduation ceremonies and/or activities in accordance with the Student Discipline, Suspension, and Expulsion Policy. Prior to denial of the privilege, the student, and where practicable his/her parent/guardian, will be made aware of the grounds for such denial and will be given an opportunity to respond. If a privilege is to be denied, the student and parent/guardian will receive written notice of the denied privilege and the means whereby he/she may appeal the decision. During the graduation ceremony, a student may be removed from the ceremony for conduct that is disruptive or that poses a risk to safety. High school seniors shall be notified of this policy in advance, through the student handbook or other means. Graduation Attire The Executive Director or designee may require graduating students to wear ceremonial attire, such as cap and gown, at the ceremony. However, any graduating student who has completed basic training and is an active member of any branch of the United States Armed Forces may, at his/her option, wear his/her military dress uniform at the ceremony. Additionally, students shall be permitted to wear tribal regalia or recognized objects of religious or cultural significance as an adornment to the customary ceremonial attire, as long as the adornment does not cause a substantial disruption of, or material interference with, the graduation ceremony. Students who desire to wear such adornments shall seek permission from the Superintendent or designee at least 14 days before the graduation ceremony. Original Policy 03/06/2014 Revised Policy 06/05/2020 Revised Policy 06/09/2023 JCS, Inc. Infectious Disease Prevention Page of 2