Policy: This policy describes the means for carrying out designated Title I, Part A parent and family engagement requirements pursuant to ESSA Section 1116(a). The purpose of the Parent and Family Engagement policy is to provide timely relevant information to parents and family members regarding the Title I plan offered within the JCS Family of Charter Schools. The Executive Director or designee shall involve parents/guardians and family members in establishing school wide expectations and objectives for meaningful parent/guardian and family engagement in schools supported by Title I funding, developing strategies that describe how the LEA will carry out each activity listed in 20 USC 6318, as contained in the accompanying administrative regulation, and implementing and evaluating such programs, activities, and procedures. As appropriate, the Executive Director or designee shall conduct outreach to all parents/guardians and family members. (Education Code 11503; 20 USC 6318) When the LEA's Title I, Part A allocation exceeds the amount specified in 20 USC 6318, the Board shall reserve at least one percent of the funding to implement parent/guardian and family engagement activities and shall distribute at least 90 percent of those reserved funds to eligible schools, with priority given to high-need schools as defined in 20 USC 6631. The Executive Director or designee shall involve parents/guardians and family members of participating students in decisions regarding how the LEA's Title I funds will be allotted for parent/guardian and family engagement activities. (20 USC 6318) Expenditures of such funds shall be consistent with the activities specified in this policy and shall include at least one of the following: 1. Support for schools and nonprofit organizations in providing professional development for school staff regarding parent/guardian and family engagement strategies, which may be provided jointly to teachers, principals, other school leaders, specialized instructional support personnel, paraprofessionals, early childhood educators, and parents/guardians and family members 2. Support for programs that reach parents/guardians and family members at home, in the community, and at school 3. Dissemination of information on best practices focused on parent/guardian and family engagement, especially best practices for increasing the engagement of economically disadvantaged parents/guardians and family members 4. Collaboration, or the provision of subgrants to schools to enable collaboration, with community-based or other organizations or employers with a record of success in improving and increasing parent/guardian and family engagement 5. Any other activities and strategies that the LEA determines are appropriate and consistent with this policy If the LEA also receives funds under federal Title IV, Part E, to coordinate and enhance family engagement programs, the Superintendent or designee shall inform parents/guardians and organizations of the existence of Title IV. (20 USC 6318) The LEA's Board policy and administrative regulation containing parent/guardian and family engagement strategies shall be incorporated into the district's LCAP in accordance with 20 USC 6312. The Executive Director or designee shall ensure that each school receiving Title I funds develops a school-level parent/guardian and family engagement policy in accordance with 20 USC 6318. JCS parent/guardian and family engagement policies and administrative regulations shall be distributed to parents/guardians of students participating in Title I programs and shall be available to the local community. Parents/guardians shall be notified of the policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language the parents/guardians can understand. (20 USC 6318) Link to 5045.2 Title I Part A Parent and Family Engagement Administrative Regulations Original Policy: 2/10/23 5045.1 JCS, Inc. Title I Part A Parent and Family Engagement Policy Page of 2