Procedure: Registration 1. To ensure the safety of students and staff and to avoid potential disruptions, all visitors shall register immediately upon entering any school building or grounds. Disruptions Visitors 1. In order to help maintain an educational environment that provides for student safety, the Governing Board is committed to keeping the school free from disruptions and to keeping unauthorized persons from entering school grounds. The Executive Director or designee shall provide for the prompt removal of any individual from school grounds who disrupts or threatens to disrupt normal school operations, threatens the health and safety of students or staff, or threatens to cause property damage in accordance with law, Board policy, or administrative regulation. 1. JCS staff shall be trained to recognize when an individual has committed acts that constitute a disruption in violation of Board policy or administrative regulation. Staff members who believe that a disruption may occur shall immediately contact his/her supervisor. 2. If any member of the public uses obscenities or speaks in a demanding, loud, insulting and/or demeaning manner, the employee to whom the remarks are being directed shall calmly and politely admonish the speaker to communicate civilly. If corrective action is not taken by the abusing party, the employee will verbally notify the abusing party that the meeting, conference, or telephone conversation is terminated and, if the meeting or conference is on school premises he/she will solicit the assistance of the designated site supervisor or administrator. 3. The designated site supervisor or administrator may direct a person to leave school grounds when there is a reasonable basis for concluding that the person is committing, or has entered the campus with the purpose of committing, an act that is likely to interfere with the peaceful conduct, discipline, good order, or administration of school activities or with the intent to inflict damage on any person or property. He/she, may also ask a person to leave who uses loud and/or offensive language or a person who has otherwise established a continued pattern of unauthorized entry on school grounds. (Penal Code 415.5, 626.7, 626.8) 4. When directing any person to leave school premises, the Executive Director or designee may inform the person that he/she will be guilty of a crime if he/she: 1. Remains after being directed to leave (Penal Code 626.8) 2. Returns to the school without following the school’s posted registration requirements (Penal Code 626.7) 3. Returns within seven days after being directed to leave (Penal Code 626.8, 626.85) 5. The Executive Director or designee shall notify law enforcement as appropriate. 6. When violence is directed against an employee by an individual or group of individuals and the employee so notifies the Executive Director or designee, the Executive Director or designee shall take steps to ensure that appropriate legal measures are instituted. 7. When the employee notifies the Executive Director or designee of a threat of bodily harm, the district shall take appropriate measures to enable the employee to request assistance if a threat occurs on school grounds. 8. The staff member shall immediately notify his/her supervisor and complete an incident report when any of the above situations occur. The incident report should be submitted to the Human Resources Department. 9. When it is determined by staff that a member of the public is in the process of violating the provisions of this policy, an effort should be made by staff to provide a written copy of this policy, including applicable code provisions, at the time of occurrence. 10. Any person who is asked to leave the school building or grounds may be appealed to the Executive Director or designee. This appeal shall be made no later than the second school day after the person has departed from the school building or grounds. After reviewing the matter with the Executive Director or designee and the person making the appeal, the Executive Director or designee shall render his/her decision within 24 hours after the appeal is made. 11. The decision of the Executive Director or designee may be appealed to the Governing Board. Such an appeal shall be made no later than the second school day after the Executive Director or designee has rendered his/her decision. The Governing Board shall consider and decide the appeal at its next scheduled regular or adjourned regular public meeting. The Governing Board’s decision shall be final. Students 1. The Governing Board desires to provide orderly campuses and administrative offices that create a positive school environment and are conducive to learning. When students initiate or are involved in a campus disturbance that has the potential to threaten the safety of students or staff, the Executive Director or designee may request law enforcement assistance. 1. Staff members are encouraged to be alert to conditions at school that may lead to a disturbance, such as racial or cultural conflict, student protests, or gang intimidation and confrontations. Staff members who believe that a disturbance is imminent or who see a disturbance occurring, shall immediately contact their supervisor. 2. Students who participate in a campus disturbance shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Governing Board policy and administrative regulations. 3. The Comprehensive Safety Plan Policy and Rules for Student Discipline covers the actions to be taken when these behaviors occur. 2002.2 JCS, Inc. Civility Administrative Regulations Page of 2