Policy: INTRODUCTION Recognizing that the JCS, Inc. is governed by its Board of Directors, not by individual board members and the relationship between the Board and the Corporation’s Executive Director and his/her administrative team is crucial to the effective operation of the Schools, this policy clarifies the Board’s and the Executive Director’s primary roles in governing and operating the Corporation and Schools. The Board’s primary roles include: 1. Selection and timely annual evaluation of the Executive Director per Evaluation Policy. 2. Adopting a fiscally responsible budget based on the Schools’ vision and goals, and regularly monitoring the fiscal health of the schools. 3. Maintaining accountability for student learning by monitoring student progress through regular reports by the Executive Director, or Principal/designee. 4. Adopting, evaluating, and updating the Schools’ policies consistent with the law and the Schools’ missions. 5. Approval of the Schools’ Calendar 6. Consulting with the Executive Director on his or her recommendations and acting upon them. 7. Strategic Planning 8. Exercising control of the Schools in accordance with the State and Federal Constitution, and applicable laws and regulations. 9. Participation in the adopted complaint procedures contained in the Schools’ Policies. 10. Providing adequate housing, equipment, supplies, and other facilities for the operation of the Schools. Hearing communications, written and/or oral, from citizens and organizations on matters of administration, finance, organization, policy, and programs. The Executive Director’s primary roles include: 1. Daily operation of the Schools in accordance with adopted Board policies and annual budget limitations. 2. Promoting the success of all students and supporting the efforts of the Board to keep the Schools focused on learning and achievement. 3. Valuing, advocating, and supporting the Schools and all stakeholders. 4. Recognizing and respecting the difference of perspective and style on the Board and among staff, students, parents, and the community and ensuring that the diverse range of views inform Board decisions. 5. Acting with dignity, treating everyone with civility and respect, and understanding the implications of demeanor and behavior. 6. Working with the Board as a “governance team” and assuring collective responsibility for building a unity of purpose, communicating a common vision, and creating a positive organizational culture. 7. Understanding the distinction between Board and staff roles and respecting the role of the Board as the representative of the community. 8. Understanding that authority rests with the Board as a whole; providing guidance to the Board to assist in decision-making; and providing leadership based on the direction of the Board as a whole. 9. Communicating openly with trust and integrity including providing all members of the Board with equal access to information and recognizing the importance of both responsible and anticipatory communication. 10. Accepting leadership responsibility and accountability for implementing the vision, goals, and policies of the Corporation and Schools. 11. Assuring the Schools’ full compliance with the State and Federal Constitution and applicable laws and regulations. Each Individual Board Member Shall: 1. Keep learning and achievement for all students as the primary focus. 2. Recognize and respect differences of perspective and style on the Board and among staff, students, parents, and the community. 3. Act with dignity and understand the implications of demeanor and behavior. 4. Keep confidential matters confidential. 5. Participate in professional development and commit the time and energy necessary to be an informed and effective leader. 6. Understand the distinctions between Board and Administrative roles, and refrain from performing management functions that are the responsibility of the Executive Director and staff. 7. Comply with legal responsibilities related to conflicts-of-interest. 8. Understand that authority rests with the Board as a whole and not with individuals. Original Policy 06/07/2019 Revised Policy 05/08/2020 7004.1 JCS, Inc. Role of the Board and the Role of the Executive Director Policy Page of 2