Procedure: 1. Each employee will receive and acknowledge the official job description for their position. 2. No later than 30 days after the start of the school year, each employee will meet with their supervisor individually or in a group determine annual goals. Each employee will receive the Star Evaluation Rubric or goal sheet that applies to their position at this meeting. The supervisor will explain the performance measurements stated in the rubric and the timeline for completion of the performance summary and analysis using the rubric each year. 3. Each supervisor or designee will observe and meet regularly with employees under their supervisor to discuss the employee’s performance for each of the Star Rubric areas of analysis. By the end of the employee’s school year (May or June), supervisors must complete the appropriate Star Rubric or reflection for each employee under their supervision. The final copy will be submitted to the Executive Director and Human Resources. 4. Each employee will receive a copy of the rubric at its completion, and will be asked to provide written feedback, comments, or rebuttal to the Rubric. A copy of the performance summary and analysis is to be kept in the employee’s personnel file. The Employee’s written remarks will be attached to the evaluation and stored with the evaluation in the employee’s personnel file no later than 30 days after the school year closes. 5. All documents evaluating the performance of an employee are confidential and will be maintained in the personnel file of the individual concerned. An employee signature or a refusal to sign a performance appraisal becomes part of the employee’s file. 6. Due process will be provided by a team of three leadership team members if there is a disagreement between the supervisor and employee. Original Procedure: 02/27/01 Revised Procedure: 03/09/07 Revised Procedure: 09/08/17 Revised Procedure: 06/11/21 JCS, Inc. Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation and Discrimination Page of 3