Procedure: 1. The EF or Coordinator will submit written requests for acceleration or retention on the Grade Level Change Consent Form to the Director/Principal. 2. The EF or Coordinator will submit supporting documents, including formal and informal assessment results, letter from parent(s), observations by the teacher, report card grades, work samples, etc. 3. The parent or guardian will sign the consent form prior to submitting it to the Director/Principal. 4. The teacher will sign the consent form prior to submitting to the Director/Principal. 5. The Director/Principal will present the request and supporting evidence to the Leadership Team for review. 1. The EF or Advisor and Parent or Guardian will have the opportunity to attend the meeting to review the request. The Director/Principal will coordinate this opportunity upon receiving the request. 6. A Continuance Agreement Form is required to be signed and dated by the parent/guardian upon a decision to retain a student in kindergarten. The date the parent/guardian consented to the continuance must be also listed on the form (see Admission and Continuance Policy). 7. The Director/Principal will email the Acceleration and Retention Letter to the family detailing the team’s decision. EF Coordinator will contact the family and provide the letter. 8. The registrar will update the grade level designation in the Student Information System and document the retention or acceleration. 9. The Director/Principal will retain a copy of the request. Guidelines: It is the responsibility of the school’s Educational Leadership Team to address each retention and acceleration request on an individual basis. However, the school has adopted specific guidelines that should be used when determining the appropriateness of the request. The reviewing team will follow these guidelines: Retention Retention will be considered only after intervention efforts have been exhausted. The Julian Charter School Safety Net and Student Study Teams were created to provide intervention and support for students at risk. Specific criteria has been established for the grade levels listed below per Education Code Section 48070.5: * Between Kindergarten and first grade: * Kindergarten Continuance Agreement completed * Emphasis should be on early reading skills * Between first and second grade: * Emphasis should be on early reading skills * Between second and third grade: * Emphasis should be on proficiency in reading * In addition to exhausting the school intervention efforts, at least two measures of reading proficiency should demonstrate a significant deficit (at least one full grade level below) * Between third and fourth grade: * Emphasis should be on proficiency in reading * In addition to exhausting the school intervention efforts, at least two measures of reading proficiency should demonstrate a significant deficit (at least one full grade level below) * Between fourth and fifth grade: * Emphasis should include proficiency in reading, language arts, and mathematics. * In addition to exhausting the school intervention efforts, a majority of measures should demonstrate a significant deficit (at least one full grade level below) * Between fifth and sixth grade: * Emphasis should include proficiency in reading, language arts, and mathematics. * In addition to exhausting the school intervention efforts, a majority of measures should demonstrate a significant deficit (at least one full grade level below) * Between eighth and ninth grade * Emphasis should expand to include proficiency in reading, language arts, and mathematics. * In addition to exhausting the school intervention efforts, a majority of measures should demonstrate a significant deficit (at least one full grade level below) Other factors such as social, emotional, physical maturity and age will also be considered. Additional grade levels may be considered for retention based on similar criteria to the above-established guidelines. Promotion * Promotion requests will be reviewed and approvals will be based on sufficient evidence (grades, work samples, assessment scores, anecdotal records) to demonstrate that the student has the prerequisite knowledge for success at the next grade level. * Other factors such as social, emotional, physical maturity and age will also be considered. * A proctored writing prompt examination may be required. Original Procedure 12/09/05 Revised Procedure 06/08/07 Revised Procedure 09/12/08 Revised Procedure 09/08/17 Revised Procedure 06/05/2020 JCS, Inc. Acceleration and Retention Page of 6